Friday, September 29, 2017

Ali and The Enemy Who Spat in His Face

መስከረም 3 2017
ኣብ ናይ ስነጽሑፍ ወይ ስነ-ግጥሚ ዓለም ዘየለኹም ንሩሚ ክንደየናይ ከይትፈልጥዎ። ደሓን ከላልየኩም’የ ኣይትሰከፉ። ኣብ ፋርስ Persia ዝነብር ዝነበረ ገጣሚ ኮይኑ፡ ካብ ኩለን ስርሓቱ እዛ Mathnawi መሥናቪ ትብል እኩብ ግጥምታቱ እምነ ኩርናዕ Persian literature እያ እትቁጸር። ካብዛ ኣርእስቲ ልጥፎ ክትዕዘብዎ ከም እትኽእሉ ሎሚ ሓንቲ ካብ ዛንታታቱ ኢና ክንርኢ።  ቁሩብ ሃይማኖታዊ ጻንሖት ክንገብር’ሞ ናብ ዛንታና ክንኣቱ። ሱኒን ሺዓን ካብ ዘባእሶም ብዙሕ ነገራት ሓደ ናይ ኸሊፋ caliph ነገር’ዩ ኔሩ። ብሓሳቦም ምስልምና ምስ ተስፋሕፍሐ ካብ ኣምላኽ ዝመጸ መንግስቲ ስለ ዝኾነ ክትፈራኸሽ ወይ ናህራ ክንኪ ዝብል እምነት ኣይነበሮምን፡ ስለዚ ንኩሎም ኣስላም’ዛ ዓለም ዝመርሖም ሰብ “ከሊፋ” ካብ ኣዝማድ ነቢ መሓመድ’ዶ ወይስ ባዕልና ዝመረጽና’ዮ ኢሎም ክፈሓፍሑ ጀመሩ። <> ኣቡበከር ኣልባቕዳዲ መራሒ ዳዕሽ ኣነ ከሊፋ’የ ሃገረይ ድማ ደውለቱል ኹላፋ Caliphate እያ በለ። እዚ ጠራጢ ፕረሲደንት ቱርኪ ኤርዶጋን ውን ከሊፋ ክኸውን’ዩ ዝፍትን ዘሎ። ቱርኪ ካብ 1923 ጀሚራ secular ‘ኳ ተነበረት political Islam እናእተው ናብ Islamic State ክወስድዋ ይፍትኑ ኣለው። ብሰንኪ ስስዐ ሰባት ስእሊ ምስልምና ተበሊሉ’ዩ። ሎሚ እዛ ዘዕልለኩም ዛንታ ግን ካብዚ ናይዞም ዕውራት ወሃባውያን ይኹኑ ሺዓውያን ኣስላም ዘይኮነት፡ ካብ ላህመት ምስልምና’ያ። ዓሊ ኣብ ሱኒ ብዙሕ ቦታ ክብዎ ኣይደልዩን’ዮም። ሺዓ ንዓሊ እናሓንሳብ ልዕሊ መሓመድ’ዮም ዝቆጽርዎ። ከም ክርስቶስ ወዲ ኣምላኽ ዝብልዎ ውን ኣለው። ንኣብነት ገለ ሺዓ ሸሃዳ ክገብሩ ከለው “ላ ኢላሃ ኢለ ላህ” ጥራይ ዘይኮኑ ዝብሉ “ወ ዓሊዩን ወሊዩ ላህ” Ali has the mandate from God ይብሉ። ኣብ ኢራን ስእሊ ናይ ዓሊ ከም ኣንበሳ ዝመስል ካሊግራፊ ኣሎ። ብዝኾነ ዓሊ ኣዝዩ ፍቱው figure እዩ።
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ኣዲኣ ገዲፋ ሓትነኣ ትናፍቅ ከይትብሉኒ፡ ቁሩብ ታሪኻዊ መእተዊ መን’ዩ ዓሊ ስለምንታይ ነዚ ሎሚ ኣብ ማእከላይ ምብራቅ ዘሎ ፍሕፍሕ ኣብ መንጐ ሺዓን ሱኒን ኮይኑ ኣሎ ገለ ክንብል’ሞ ናብ ዛንታ ሩሚ ክንኣቱ። ዓሊ ራብዓይ ካሊፍ ናይ ምስልምና ኮይኑ ሰብኣይ ጓሉ ንነቢ መሓመድ’ዩ ኔሩ።
ሩሚ ነዛ ግጥሙ ክጅምራ ከሎ ኢኽላስ sincerity (ንጽህና) ካብ ዓሊ ተመሃሩ ኢሉ ይጅምር። እዛ ዛንታ ምስታ ክርስቶስ ክስቀል ከሎ “ኣቦ ዝገብርዎ ኣፍለጡን’ዮም ይቅረ በለሎም ዝበሎ ትሳነ’ያ። ሰብ ብጸጋማይ መትልሕካ እንተጸፊዑካ የማናይ መትልሕካ ግደፈሉ ይብል። ሎሚ ዘሎ ሃይማኖት ዳርጋ ኩሉ መሳርሒ ናይ ego ፖለቲካዊ ጥሙሕካ ንምትግባር ዝዓለመ ስለ ዝኾነ ኣብ ተኣፋፊ እዋን ኢና ዘለና። ቀስ ብቀስ ካብ ማሪታዊ እምነታት እናርሓቅና we are starting to see what “religion” for what it actually is ሓቀኛ ሃይማኖት ኣብ ዓጽረ-ሞት በጺሑ በታ ትልኽ ትብል ዘላ ትንፋሱ ጌሩ “ግደፉ” ይብል ኣሎ። I’ll tell you what I mean by “ሓቀኛ ሃይማኖት” in a bit ቅድም ግን ዛንታ ናይ ዓሊ ክንርእያ። <>
ኣብ ውግእ ዓሊ ምስ ሓደ ኣንጻሩ ዝነበረ ፍሉጥ ጅግና ይጋጠም ነበረ። ሓደ እዋን ጽቡቕ ኣጋጣሚ ኮይኑ እቲ ጸላኢኡ ኣብ ውግእ ከለው ካብ ፈረሱ ወደቀ’ሞ፡ ዓሊ ክቀትሎ ኢሉ ሴፉ መዚዙ ናብኡ ቀረበ። ወዮ ጀነራል ብተስፋ ምቁራጽ ዝዓብለሎ ስምዒት ንዓሊ ኣብ ገጹ ጡፍ በለሉ። ዓኽታ ናይቲ ጀነራል ኣብ ገጹ ምስ ዓለበ፡ ዓሊ ሴፉ ደርበያ። በዚ ዝተገረመ ጸላኢኡ “ስለምንታይ ሴፍካ ደርቢኻያ፧” ካብዚ ንገብሮ ዘለና ዝዓቢ እንታይ ሪእኻ ኢኻ ምቅታለይ ደው ኣቢልካዮ፧” እናበለ ንዓሊ ይሓቶ። “እንታይ ሪእኻ ኢኻ፡ ረመጽ ሕርቃንካ ዝሒሉ ነዓይ ከማይ ጥዑም ንፋሱ ዝረኽበኒ ዘሎ፧” ንገረኒ እናበለ ንዓሊ ይሓቶ። መልሲ ናይ ዓሊ copy paste ክገብራ’ሞ ባዕልኹም ከተስተማቅርዋ ትሓይሽ።
(Ali) said, "I strike (with) the sword for the sake of God
(only). I am the servant of God; I am not commanded by the body.

"I am the Lion of God, not the lion of craving, (and) my actions
are evidence of my religion.

"In battle, (the verse) 'You did not throw when you threw'8 (is
the attitude) for me. I am like the sword, but the one who strikes is
(like) the Sun.

"I have removed the baggage of self from [blocking] the way,
(and) I have considered (anything) other than God (to be) nothing.

"I am a shadow (and) the Sun is my lord; I am the doorkeeper, not
a curtain (barring the way) to Him.

"I am like a sword, covered with jewels of Union; in battle, I
make (men) living not killed.

"Blood does not cover the lustre of my sword, (and) the wind
never takes (away) my clouds.

"I'm not straw. I am a mountain of restraint and patience and
justice. The strong wind never steals (away) the mountain!

"Whatever leaves (its) place because of some wind is
(nothing but) twigs. Because there are many unfavorable winds.

"The winds of anger, lust, and greed carry (off) the one who isn't
among those devoted to the (daily ritual) prayers.

"I am a mountain and my existence is His foundation. And if I
become like straw, the wind (moving) me is remembrance of

"My affection doesn't move (toward anything) except by His
wind, (and) the captain of my cavalry is nothing except love for the

"Anger (is a) king over kings, but (it is) my slave; I have also
tied anger underneath the bridle.

"The sword of my restraint has struck the neck of my anger,
(and) God's anger has come upon me like mercy.

"I am drowned in light, even though my roof is destroyed. I
became a garden, even though I am (called) the Father of Dust.

"Since a cause (other than God's cause) came [into my mind]
during the battle, I found (it) suitable to hide (my) sword,

"So that 'he loves for (the sake of) God may become my name,
(and) so that 'he hates for (the sake of) God' may become my desire.

"So that 'he gives for (the sake of) God' may become my
generosity, (and) so that 'he withholds for (the sake of) God' may
become my existence.

"My avarice (is) for (the sake of) God, (my) generosity (is)
for (the sake of) God and (for) none else. I belong completely to
God, (and) I don't belong to anyone (else).

"And that which I do for (the sake of) God is not imitation or show
(of piety), nor is it (done from) imagination or opinion; it is
nothing other than (direct) vision.

"I am liberated from striving and careful choosing, (for) I have
attached my sleeve to the (hem of) the robe of God.

"If I keep flying, (it is because) I keep seeing the place (worthy)
to fly to, and if I keep circling (it is because) I keep seeing the
object (worthy) of revolving around.

3809 "And if I am carrying a burden, I know where (to take it) to: I
am the moon and the Sun is the guide in front of me!"

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ሸለል ዝኣዘዘልካ ሰብ BLOCK ምግባር ፍትሓዊ ድዩ፧

September 22, 2017 “Block This Person” ትብል መልጐም ናይ ፌስቡክ abuse ካብ ዝገብሩዋ ሰባት ሓንቲ’የ። እንታይ ደኣ’ሞ ክንገብር፡ ዕሸላት እንተበዚሖም filter ምግባር ኣገዳሲ ክኸውን...